Shiatsu Massage: Promoting Natural Healing and Emotional Wellness

Shiatsu massage can relieve tension and pain, encourage an active lifestyle, and boost the body’s healing processes. It can help improve the emotional and mental health.
By using both your thumbs and fingers Place your fingers and thumbs on the tops your partner’s spine. Push and then move your hand down the spine, accompanying the breathing of your partner.
Holistic Healing
Shiatsu is a component of a holistic healing method to wellness and health that’s been used for thousands of years. It’s also known as “complementary therapy” as well as “alternative therapy.”
The term “holistic” refers to taking care of the entire body, mind emotion, soul, various other aspects of health. The focus is on prevention as well as living a better life instead of just dealing with symptoms when they arise.
Shiatsu and acupuncture both involve applying pressure to energy points or meridians on the body, using thumbs fingers, hands and elbows. Shiatsu massage is based upon the notion that by balancing these meridians will promote overall health. Shiatsu may be a beneficial solution to eliminate chronic pain, which is often a problem for many of us. Shiatsu can help lower anxiety and depression by raising serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.
The Balance of Energy
In the Eastern philosophy, illness or disease results from a normal flow of energy through the meridians gets disturbed. The Qi energy, which is the life force, is able to move through these pathways, which connect to the organs that are major and are easily accessible via points in the body. Shiatsu helps to regulate and enhance the circulation of Qi.
Like acupuncture, yoga, tai-chi, reiki, and tai-chi, all of these techniques are used to balance your body’s energetics. Through stimulating these energy flows, the Body Massage Hoi An body’s immune system will be able to effectively fight diseases that may cause physical or mental root.
When selecting when choosing a Shiatsu practitioner, it is important that you choose a trusted expert with the appropriate qualification and knowledge. You can choose the best person to meet your needs through reading the testimonials of clients or reviewing their reviews. You can also communicate with them. Wearing loose clothing that is easy to move in will assist the therapist to treat the meridians, pressure points and other pressure points.
Natural Healing Mechanisms
Shiatsu, according to Eastern methods of healing, harmonizes the energy flow through meridians and channels within the body. It helps improve mental and physical well-being.
Shiatsu can also improve the efficacy of holistic or medical treatments such as the acupuncture and psychotherapy. Shiatsu can be especially effective to reduce stress levels, as well as relaxing, which assists your body’s healing processes.
In the course of a Shiatsu massage, the massage therapist utilizes thumbs, fingers or palms to push on energy meridians. Elbows, knuckles, and wrists are used as well. Shiatsu massage is also a combination of joints that are manipulated and stretched using assisted techniques. Shiatsu massage is known to help with depression, anxiety, and pain.
Acupressure Points
It is true that the two disciplines have commonalities of thought and method, there are some differences with regard to technique. An analysis and a brief exploration of practitioners’ perceptions show that it’s a good idea to draw a distinct line between these two disciplines especially in research studies and academic debates.
Pressure point LI-4, also known as Hegu (her-gwann) is situated on your arm. It could be stimulated through applying pressure to the webbing that runs between your index and thumb. It helps reduce stress and ease headaches. This is beneficial if you are expecting and need the intention of starting labor. The area that is at risk to skin peeling, blisters or if there is an open wound in the vicinity or has rashes, or any other open injuries.
Emotional Well-being
Shiatsu massage triggers glands that release natural oils, which help minimize wrinkles while keeping your skin hydrated. Shiatsu massage relieves anxiety, migraine and stress, and promotes a restful sleep.
According to the Eastern view, sickness and diseases are viewed as an interruption in the flow of energy through your body’s meridians. Your Shiatsu therapist acts as skilled plumber, using techniques such as pressure points, the tapping, kneading, and stretches to remove the blocks and regain your harmony and energy flow.
Shiatsu research is growing in both quantity and quality, however, it’s still not widely available in the west. However, several studies demonstrate the positive effects of Shiatsu on pain, nausea and nausea, as well as inducing labor.